Daylight Saving Time is one of the hardest, worst and most tiring times of the year. Twice a year, we either make the clock go an hour forward or an hour backwards. The day after daylight savings when the clock goes backwards is probably one of the most difficult days of the year for me and for many other students. We get up at a time in the morning for School that feels way too early and then have to sit in our classes exhausted. When the clock is pushed an hour forwards, it is so hard to focus and sleep well and get your body back on a schedule. For example, when this time change started, the first morning my dad woke me up, I had thought I had slept for a while, but I lost an hour. That entire day, I just lost track of time. I checked the clock and it was already 3 p.m., and I STILL needed to eat lunch, therefore making the time change mess up my food schedule also. I was not hungry when it became time for dinner. This all eventually affected my sleep schedule. Why do we even have a time change? Time changes seem so pointless. They seem like an excuse for me to be even more tired. Arizona and Hawaii both do not have Daylight Savings Time, and they are fine because of it, so why do we need to have daylight savings? It only makes a more tired, more stressed student.