On Feb. 10-11, the Sophomore Class traveled to SeaWorld in San Diego for its annual class trip, which Sophomore Class Council began planning and organizing over last summer.
“It was a little confusing as to what we were supposed to do in the beginning but in the end [the planning process] got better,” Visual Arts Representative Symone ’14 said. “[The trip] turned out to be very rewarding and fun.”
The trip began with a two-hour bus ride to San Diego on Friday morning, followed by several hours of roaming the park, exploring the aquatic exhibits, going on rides and watching trained animal shows. At 5p.m., the Class of 2014 exited the park and reentered through the Education Gate to eat dinner and participate in guided educational activities, including making shark-tooth necklaces, dissecting squid and spontaneously bursting into song.
Unfortunately, the SeaWorld trip was scheduled on the same weekend as the Evening of Dance performances, so several dancers and students teching the show had to miss the trip. Many sophomores said they missed their friends and felt bad that a group of girls were excluded. However, Class Council purchased stuffed Shamu souvenirs for the girls who didn’t get to come along.
Many girls said they had fun on the trip and showed off the pictures they had taken with friends during Saturday morning’s Breakfast with Shamu on Facebook over the weekend. Some students also said they enjoyed spending time with teachers outside of School and were happy to see them loosen up.
“It was really fun seeing Dr. Millar and Ms. Moser out of their classroom behavior and singing along and talking to us,” Samara’14 said. “They seemed a lot more laid-back, and it was a lot of fun.”