Draft 1 – Amidst the sounds of clicking and typing, no one is talking in the newspaper room Tuesday evening [date?]. Silence envelops the room, when English instructor and newspaper adviser Mark Krewatch yells.
Lede needs work!
“Phillies are up! We’re in it for the win,” Krewatch said.
Confirm quote.
Krewatch, an avid baseball fan, will leave Marlborough after five years of coaching the newspaper team and after two years of instructing English. He will be teaching English at the University of Chicago Laboratory School and will be in close proximity to former Editor in-Chief Julie Huh, who will be attending University of Chicago. (AWK nutgraph. Is Julie okay with this?)
EDITORS’ NOTE: Krewatch, this is our d1 of the backpage, a feature on you. We knew you wouldn’t approve, so we’ve kept this page a secret. Furthermore, we’ve decided to forgo writing a complete article because we couldn’t interview our primary source. Instead, we’ve collected our fondest memories and quotes from the newspaper staff and Marlborough community. You have been an incredible mentor for the past five years. Thank you for motivating us, staying late with us, and keeping us on track. We’ll miss you, and we wish you the best of luck at UChicago Lab School!
Ileana Najarro, UV staff reporter, travelled to Miami to meet her Guerin Scholar, idol, and the love of her life (← this a direct quote from Ili?) Jorge Ramos. Someone in the UV office [Who said this?] shared that Ili had received Ramos’ cell number, which had excited Ili to no end. (try rewording – “a statement that excited…”) The staff remarked how Ili would probably keep the number with her at all times, or at least put him on speed dial.
It was then that Krewatch said, “No, she’ll probably tattoo it on her arm! Then, if she is ever in a dire situation and I need of help, she’ll say, ‘Oh no! What should I do?’ and promptly role up her sleeve (which Krewatch imitated) and dial Ramos’ number into her phone.” The room exploded into laughter, amused, yet aware that he had definitely taken the joke too far.
– Elyse Samuels, UV Staff
For Caswell Scholars “Exploring Your City” class, some freshmen (how many?) went to Forest Lawn Cemetery. They met Austrian artist Gustav Troger, dressed in a suit made out of mirrors.
Krewatch encouraged Madeline Karabian, UV staff reporter, to go and talk to him, inspiring the true journalist in her to come out. He even teared up a bit as she pulled out her notebookand a pen and began a little interview, while taking pictures of the mirrored man at the same time. Good. Can you get a quote from Troger about what he thought when he saw Krewatch’s reaction?
– Madeline Karabian, UV Staff
“The Hair! The Mustache! He’s either going for the Mark Twain vibe or Morgan Spurlock look. Still waiting for the day when Mr. Krewatch comes to work with his natural fro. Set it free!” Dr. Millar said.
“Most adults and students who have ever gotten stuck in the same room as Mr. Krewatch and me already know what I’ll miss most— talking about Philly sports teams,” Millar said.
“If I have 45 minutes to kill, I’ll walk into his office,” Koetters said.
“He’s not only taught his staff how to make a good paper, but how to approach anything they do in life well and achieve excellence,” Koetters said.
“His time spent at Marlborough made him a better teacher,” Tamara McDonough, Krewatch’s wife, said, “Marlborough has such a caring, passionate faculty and a highly motivated student body, and I know it’s been a pleasure for him to work in such a challenging environment.”
“He has been a top-notch mentor whose work ethic and enthusiasm for pursuing one’s goals will continue to influence me on my journey towards becoming a professional journalist,” Ileana Najarro said.