Amidst the chaos of this global pandemic, many people have been using their spare time to work on benefiting our community. Marlborough has been doing their part as well, helping our community for the better; as Ms. Wright, Dean of Community Partnerships described it, finding “…little moments of love.” From contributions to Safe Parking LA to food donations from Café M for Alexandria House, the school is making sure that the people who are suffering the most right now are cared for. Students have been involved with these projects by taking their time to help organize events and make deliveries.
Recently, the science department donated copious amounts of sanitizing products to an organization that provides the homeless that live in their cars, a place to park. This donation consisted of sanitary equipment such as water wipes, sterile prep pads, screen wipes, and gloves that can be used to clean and disinfect the insides of vehicles. Marlborough has been helping to ensure that even the homeless are safe because they are at a high risk of being affected by the virus.
As the students of Marlborough are not currently eating the food usually provided by Café M, it was donated to Alexandria House. Alexandria House, a non-profit organization, provides residence and hospitality to those in need, especially for women and children. Students have delivered this unused food. Previously, Marlborough has played a big part in contributing to Alexandria House with different sorts of donations, and they continued to do so during this quarantine.
Marlborough is helping to ensure our community’s health and safety. Their efforts have been recognized by these organizations, and it is truly amazing to see them make sacrifices for people that are in need. Even with all of Marlborough doing all that they can, Mrs. Wright said. “…It’s not the same without the students.”