Justin Bieber is a 17-year-old popstar with an unusually high-pitched singing voice who is loved by some and hated by others, but his new movie may be changing the views of haters.
According to fans, reasons to love him include his voice and looks.
“He’s amazing, he’s hot, and he’s amazing,” Tiffany ’16 said.
But unfortunately, there are also those who very strongly dislike him.
“He really can’t sing,” Jaya ’16 said.
Then there are the people who can’t form an opinion on him but have reasons to dislike him that may not even involve Justin Bieber himself!
“I am leaning on the dislike side because of the way everyone around school is obsessed with him all the time,” Michelle ’16 explains.
But viewers of Never Say Never, a movie about Justin Bieber, will tell you that seeing the movie has changed their opinion.
“I thought Justin Bieber was okay, but when I saw the movie I loved him,” Kate ’16 said.
It doesn’t matter whether they liked him or not before they saw the movie; many people have come out of the theaters loving him. But how is it possible for just one movie to change lives and negative opinions on Justin Bieber?
“It was just so touching how he became a star,” Morgan ’16 said.