Honors Research in Science Program Head and Head Equestrian Coach Dr. Elizabeth Ashforth is leaving Marlborough after nine years of guiding juniors and seniors in research projects and leading the Mustangs to Interscholastic Equestrian League (IEL) championship victories. Ashforth will be heading the science and research department at the Geffen Academy, which will will open this fall, as a new school affiliated with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
“It’s a completely new school…It’s a co-ed school. I’m going to have to develop new skills to work with boys. It’ll be a different environment. I will miss the all-girls environment,” Ashforth said about teaching at the Geffen Academy.
Ashforth has been involved with Marlborough’s Leonetti/O’Connell Honors Research program since her second year at the School. One of the things Ashforth has to done to help grow the program is that she has sought female mentors for her students to encourage female involvement in the STEM fields. As a result of her stewardship, the Honors Research in Science program has continued to be strong.
“Dr. Ashforth has provided me a platform to pursue my passions and interests in a way that what I’m [researching] does not feel like a chore. I have been able to find what I want to do in college and so I’m forever grateful to her,” Isabella ’17, a student enrolled in the Honors Research program, said.
Along with the Honors Research program, Ashforth also supports and leads Marlborough’s Varsity Equestrian team. She has gone to every Marlborough horse show since her first year at the School. Ashforth said that one of her fondest memories is of the Marlborough team’s 2012 IEL victory.
“The day the equestrian team won not only the IEL championship but also the Most Spirited team, that was really special. We all got decked out in purple and I wore the mascot suit…The entire team wore purple sunglasses and purple leis and purple hats,” Ashforth said.
Captain of the Varsity Equestrian team Josephine ’17 said that she was grateful for Ashforth’s guidance.
“We’re really going to miss her. Especially for the girls who do dressage, she’s been a great mentor,” Josephine said.
Dean of Faculty Sandra O’Connor said that she is excited for Ashforth and her new opportunity at the Geffen Academy.
“[Ashforth’s] new job is just terrific. It’s perfect for her…I’m very happy for her,” O’Connor said.