Marlborough Latin students are participating in the Junior Classical League, a scholarly society for students who take Latin or who are interested in classical culture. The league hosts events on regional and national levels.
The next event coming up in Southern California is called Southern California Regional Amici Madness (SCRAM), which is a full-day get-together with contests about Latin, mythology and word meanings. The event also includes a make-your-own toga contest.
Latin student Molly ’17 said she is looking forward to attending the events.
“It’s always fun to think through the questions with my teammates, and I always end up learning more about Latin grammar and Roman history,” Molly said.
Although only two students from Marlborough participated in the events last year, four students plan to join the league and attend a variety of events this year.
“Last year was the first time we participated in JCL events, so we didn’t really know what to expect. This year everyone’s excited because we know how much fun it can be,” Hansen said.
Lila ’17, president of Latin Club, agrees that the JCL event will be a rewarding experience.
“[Attending the conference] will be a great way to see how my peers feel about Latin, and it will test my knowledge of the language and of Roman culture in a non-traditional format,” she said.