Marlborough has always treated students with the utmost respect by allowing students to voice their opinions and be a part of school decisions. After School administrators make decisions regarding students, students have the privilege of receiving detailed reports on why the decision was made and how it would affect us. But when the controversy over whether or not colored bras were in Uniform was brought up, the topic made many adults in the room uncomfortable, which, in turn, led to the end of the conversation. The abrupt ending unintentionally prohibited students from speaking their minds and weeks later, has still left students with no final response on the matter.
I believe our community thrives because girls are comfortable enough to be candid with one another. But with the issue of the black bras, students were discouraged from feeling comfortable enough to voice their opinions due to the discomfort of the adults. Bras are such an ordinary part of life for girls, but in society they are often viewed as too intimate to discuss. Bras shouldn’t be viewed as inappropriate in society and should certainly not be viewed this way in the safe walls of Marlborough.
Marlborough takes pride in the idea that we have mutual respect between adults and students. Normally, members of the administration does the courtesy of reviewing The Honor Code, The Understanding, and The Student Handbook. They also inform us of any new rules or decisions. However, on this issue students were blindsided with the news that a teacher had given a conduct infraction for black bras because the decision had never been discussed with us. It is impossible for teachers and students to honor the dress code if the rules are unclear.
Since navy polos were removed from the dress code, students wear white polos, which in many cases are translucent. If the School finds that having black undergarments under white polos is against regulations, or as Ms. Hotchkiss briefly said, “un-neat,” since this decision affects all students, the School should give us the respect they provide in all other areas and discuss their conclusions with us.