We come together. We cook. We watch football. We eat. We eat more. We pass out. We eat leftovers. We eat again. For a year we all think about the one day when we give thanks and have an excuse to eat as much turkey and pie as possible. Luckily for us, Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away!
It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without all of your favorite side dishes! Turkey may get top billing, but Thanksgiving side dishes are just as important as the holiday bird.
Green-Bean Casserole: The humble green-bean casserole was created in the mid-1950s by the Campbell Soup Company. It is a comfort food in the truest sense and accomplishes the improbable: It makes banal green beans palatable.
Butternut-Squash Mashed Potatoes: These mashed potatoes, made with squash, take on the role of the traditional mashed potatoes, but can be indulged guilt-free because of the smaller number of calories. Seasonal butternut squash is a traditional Thanksgiving side dish that goes all the way back to the Pilgrims.
Stuffing: The name says it all. We all know we secretly want to just stuff our faces with stuffing. It is so good that it is almost a sin with its endless amounts of bread, vegetables, and seasonings.
Sweet–Potato Casserole: Sweet potatoes are a near perfect health food. They are packed with vitamin A, B6, and fiber—and can help you lose weight, so indulge in this casserole without feeling guilty.
Cornbread: Simply the best of the breads. Cornbread strikes a harmonious balance between sweet and savory that can complement just about anything. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that rolls are an OK carbohydrate substitute. Don’t be fooled.
Pumpkin pie: The best part of the meal? Why, of course, the pie. But don’t just settle for apple or cherry pie—celebrate the holiday with the festive fall flavor of pumpkin pie!
And after the meal is over, the Thanksgiving food that everyone slaved over can be used for leftovers in order to give the cooks a nice, long and well deserved break.