Aquarius: 1/20-2/18
Many people find you very mysterious, Aquarius. Although you are friendly and loyal, many are intimidated by you. Others find it difficult to understand how you feel. People perceive you as aloof because you are a private and independent person, who can be emotionally detached. If you want more satisfying connection with people, be more open.
Pisces: 2/19-3/20
You faced many problems last year, Pisces. Some of your dreams and relationships were broken. However, there is good news for you in the new year. In most aspects of your life, you will see vast improvement. Don’t give up! If you keep going for your dreams, you will not only accomplish them but surpass them!
Aries: 3/21-4/19
As the first zodiac sign, you are very independent. Rams are also strong, powerful and willful animals. Aries, you are also courageous and optimistic but can be extremely moody and short tempered. This year, work on being more easy going and open to new people that you would never imagine liking. Try to be less judgmental and more considerate.
Taurus: 4/20-5/20
Taurus, you mean well, but sometimes other people don’t understand that you are a warm-hearted and loving person. Your symbol is a Bull, which is a powerful and fierce animal. When you are in a bad mood or feeling insecure you can appear to be stubborn or jealous. This year, try to conquer your insecurities and don’t push away people who are trying to help you.
Gemini: 5/21-6/21
Gemini, your life moves at a fast pace because you refuse to wait for anyone or anything. You move so fast that you often miss out on the credit you deserve for important accomplishments. This year, you should be present at events, so people who admire you can share how much they appreciate your work. If you give yourself a break, you will build an incredible reputation.
Cancer: 6/22-7/22
In the past year, you have had a lot of trouble, failures and disappointments. This year, things are looking brighter. Cancer, you are a very loving person with an incredible imagination. However, you are sometimes prone to mood swings and obsessive behavior. Work on being more positive and stay open-minded, as these traits can lead to a more fulfilling life.
Leo: 7/23-8/22
Leo, you are the king of the jungle. You have the characteristics of respected leader. However, because you are a perfectionist and seek fair outcomes, you sometimes come off as too controlling and have a hard time admitting that you are wrong. You may hear from old friends that you have had disagreements with in the past. It’s time to let down your ego and agree to disagree. You will be able to repair some important relationships.
Virgo: 8/23-9/22
Virgo, you are very down to earth but also a perfectionist. These qualities will allow you to have a successful career, but although these traits help with finance, they can’t help with personal relationships. This year, you should work on being less controlling and critical. Be more free-spirited and look for adventure to have a more fulfilling life.
Libra: 9/23-10/22
Libra, you are a people person. You are well liked and carry positive energy everywhere you go. You know when to be serious and when to be a jokester. People gravitate towards you because you are approachable and charming. These are all excellent qualities that can lead to very successful life. However, your friendliness and trust can cause you to be gullible and indecisive.
Scorpio: 10/23-11/21
Scorpio, this is your year to shine. People will be drawn to you in all aspects of your life. Take advantage of this opportunity by opening up to people instead of being so private. Past tribulations have equipped you with the skills to get through any problems this year, especially because you are very determined. Use this respite from trouble to focus on listening to your inner voice.
Saggitarius: 11/22-12/21
Sagittarius, you are very upbeat, energetic and positive. You seem to accomplish goals very easily, and many people envy you for it. Nothing can stop you when you set your mind to something. You are also a very honest person, but this, in conjunction with your determination, can sometimes make you come off as rude or too blunt.
Capricorn: 12/22-1/19
You have had a rough year, Capricorn. You may have endured disappointments and tragedies. However, you are a very steady and grounded individual, which helped you focus on solving past problems. This endurance has brought good news this year. Everything will fall into place, and past disappointments and conflicts will be likely be resolved.