Athletics Assistant Shaina Zaidi and the 2012-2013 Athletics Council have established a “Captain’s Council,” in which team captains meet with the group twice a month to discuss wins, losses and upcoming games in order to help Athletics Council more effectively learn team-specific information and diminish the burden placed upon council members to research the statistics of each team. The Athletics Council is made up of the Athletics Representatives from each grade’s Class Council.
According to All-School Athletics Representative Monica Sheldon ’13, Athletics Council suffered in the past from a paucity of information due to the lack of variation in the sports that council members played.
“We’re only limited to about six or seven girls on the Council and not everybody plays all the sports, so we wanted to get the captains of each sport to be our main, go-to people about when the games are,” Sheldon explained.
Senior Class Athletics Representative and Varsity Track Captain Kiki Lazic ’13 echoed Sheldon, adding that the new Council reduces stress for members of the Athletics Council.
“I think it’s a really good idea… in 8th Grade…I had to go out of my way to make a list,” Lazic said. “I think its better if that captain stands up and is just like, ‘Hey, there’s a game in two days,’… because they’re in the sport and then I don’t have to do research.”