The School’s open gradebook on My.Marlborough went online on Thurs., Jan. 19. Director of Academic and Administrative Technology Tom Wadbrook, Associate Director of Academic Technology Shauna Callahan, and the students on the Student Academic Advisory Committee (SAAC) announced that the School would be using an open gradebook during Morning Meeting at Marlborough on Thurs., Jan. 12.
SAAC sent a survey in November to get students’ opinions about whether to have an open gradebook at Marlborough. Around three-fourths of students wanted an open gradebook. However, a majority of students were concerned about their parents’ ability to access their grades all the time. In order to address these concerns, SAAC and the School’s administration have restricted parents’ access to the gradebook to a twice a quarter. The first time the grades will be open to parents will be from Tues., March 7 to Fri., March 10. During the middle of the fourth quarter, parents will be able to access it from Wed., Apr. 12 to Mon., Apr. 17. For final fourth quarter grades, the gradebook will be open to parents from Mon., May 22 to Fri., May 26. Parents can access second semester grades starting Mon., June 5.
Co-All-School President Gracie Atlee said she appreciated the ability to see her grades and progress.
“I’m a big fan of the open gradebook. I was initially not a fan of the fact that parents could see it…after much spirited debate within my own family, I’ve come to realize that it’s a good thing that they can see it more frequently than just once a quarter,” Atlee said.