From the south, Agus.
I try to pronounce, alas
cannot make that sound.
A goose: animal.
The inspired waterfowl.
No, that is still wrong.
Fluent yet humble,
Obscenities her best friend.
Blame the media.
Compulsion to bond,
The two easily complete
a Spanish worksheet.
Smell of spirit week.
You don’t like my theater class?
Go to ceramics.
“Shopping is great here.”
The Promenade, a chapel.
Black sun hats in bulk.
My moment has come.
An ortho awakening.
Now teeth without brace.
Cry, Argentina.
Boys are prettier than me
but I still love them.
Girls in dark lipstick.
Instagram is poetry.
I am in sweatpants.
Dulce de leche.
Were my jeans shrunk in the wash?
Pass the cheesecake now.
With a fork in hand,
I learn that like Latin sky
friendship has no bounds.
Waving like willow,
Natalie bids adios.
Whatsapp, infinite.