A new program is being implemented for maximum communication between students and their teachers; this new program is a Microsoft software called Lync. The app is similar to iMessage but creates an effective and efficient way to communicate with teachers. The app is easily downloaded but requires a Marlborough login. Lync is pretty cool because it allows for quick communication; students will receive a text message from their teacher once they have responded. Lync is similar to texting on smart phones, via Marlborough email, and has the advantage of being completely regulated by the administration. In addition to that, Lync syncs with Marlborough contacts and the Outlook calendar, making it a very useful tool.
Foreign languages instructor Elizabeth Vitanza is learning how to use Lync for her French Exchange trip, which will take place over Spring Break. Concerning communication with students in France, Vitanza says that, “[Lync] is the only thing I’m allowed to use. I can also make voice-calls, but Lync is the way we’re going to communicate with each other.” Vitanza also added that because Marlborough girls often don’t check their emails, especially on break, this new app is going to be very useful.
Students will eventually be trained in utilizing Lync.