Dear Mikaela,
Here’s something new and exciting: I am a teenage girl who wants a boyfriend. Something also not cliché: every guy I meet just wants to hook-up. Where are all the nice, smart, funny, handsome bad boys who are also sensitive and write love songs and also want girlfriends (preferably me)?
Damsel in Distress
Dear Damsel,
You’re absolutely right—kind of. In today’s hook-up obsessed, “Let’s just keep things casz” world, it can be hard to find a guy who wants a real relationship. But not all guys are like that. In fact, there are just as many guys want a serious girlfriend as there are guys who want things to be low-key and unoffish. But now comes the problem of locating this elusive perfect guy. And with this comes bad news: if your prince charming is a) a character in a book (cough, Peeta Mellark, cough), b) an actual prince (he’s with Kate Middleton now, hopefully I’ll get over it), or c) Colin Firth, then you’re looking in all the wrong places. Parties are generally where you’re going to find the kind of guy who wants to make out with you and reply to your text the next day with “um, sry, I hu’ed with lotta grls lst night, who r u?” (For the record, a guy who can’t take the time to spell out words isn’t worth your time). It’s easiest to meet “relationshippers” at school dances, sports games and friends’ houses. Just never break the golden rule: if he has a girlfriend, move on!
Happy Dating,