Here’s a quick recap of the Marlborough School Hunger Games courtesy of the UV staff.

11:06 am- Head of School Barbara Wagner sports her white suit and afro…we salute you President Snow.
11:15 am- Foreign Language instructor Eric Reinholtz asks District 6 if they are ready to make moral choices. Response: NO!
12:15 pm- Elyse ’12 and a friend sit on the chairs in front of the senior living room. They see English instructor Chris Thompson approach them. Suddenly he breaks out into a run as if he was being chased by a wild animal. He runs past them, turned the corner, and disappears.
12:24 pm-District 11 bows to Wagner…for perhaps the hundredth time.
12:38 pm- The bell had just rung, which meant the next clue for the whereabouts of a flag were going to be projected on the digital signage screens. Elyse stood by the senior living room and heard girls’ feet pounding the ground at an increasing speed. Finally a literal stampede of hunger game participants came into view as they ran past her on their way to find the new flag. As Elyse shook her head in disbelief, she was almost positive she could hear performing arts instructor Doug Lowry’s distant war cry coming from the other side of campus.
12:40 pm- A couple of District 2 members got dragged into a muddy section of Booth Field during tug-o-war.
12:50 pm- Heather ’11 just watched a teammate nearly choke on a doughnut for the sake of those sacred points.
1:05 pm- Madeline ’12 was working at a mental Scattegories-eqsue game where you had to write down a U.S president’s name. One girl wrote Harrison Ford.
1:10 pm- District 6 member Sarah ‘11 “accidentally” cut Mackenzie ‘11 during thumb wars. The games are getting vicious.
1:12 pm-Lowry yells, “Team eleven!” as his district finds its second flag.
1:20 pm-A stampede of girls charged towards the chemistry labs in search for a flag. Turns out the flag was in the ceramics room. Someone didn’t read the clues well…
1:50 pm- The seventh graders are running like mad women throughout the halls!
2:15 pm- And Lowry catches yet another flying arrow. Better than a tribute “dying” anyway.
2:34 pm- The final showdown between District 6 and District 11 is in full swing. Team 11 sends another arrow towards their opponents.
2:40 pm- District 11 shoots an arrow up at the gym ceiling; it ricochets down and hits a District 6 tribute!
2:45 pm – District six is the winner!!!!