Welcome to fall, also called “spooky season,” “cuffing season” and “homecoming season.” Since I attend Marlborough, a girls school, I get serious FOMO during this time of year. I’m missing out on the homecoming proposals, football games and all the school spirit involved with homecoming. It’s disappointing that Marlborough has never considered hosting a homecoming before, since it is such a vital part of the high school experience. This year, however, I was excited that all-school president, Sophia ‘22, promised a Marlborough homecoming in her candidate speech. I met with Miller, curious to hear her thoughts on homecoming, and to help formulate how I think homecoming could work at Marlborough.
First, at most schools homecoming consists of a spirit week that includes a homecoming sports game (typically football) on Friday and a homecoming dance that Saturday. Marlborough spirit week already entails a week of dress up days at school, community outreach projects, and culminates with each grade level competing with a dance. By the end of the week, whatever grade accumulates the most points wins. At schools with a football team, there is obviously a homecoming game and then the homecoming dance following the game.
I believe that if we were to have a real homecoming dance and game it should be during the fall (Marlborough’s volleyball season) because this is during the same time as football season, which is when many other schools host their homecomings. I think Marlborough should have a traditional homecoming, with big proposals on poster boards and puns asking people to the dance. I always see the homecoming proposals on social media, and I am honestly extremely jealous that my school does not have that.

I often talk to my friends from other schools about their homecomings, and they talk about how it feels like a key part of the teenage experience. Marlborough is deprived of traditional high school experiences already, like having a football team or high school boys. Having a homecoming would make Marlborough feel somewhat normal. Sophia pointed out how every high school is entitled to a homecoming, no matter if the school has a football team or not. As someone who loves Marlborough, yet craves that traditional experience, homecoming is a perfect way for students to feel as though Marlborough is not wildly different from other schools.
Sophia also discussed that homecoming would not be replacing Semi-Formal or Senior Prom, but would just be an addition to the dances Marlborough already has. Furthermore, there will be a committee (outside of the all-school council) for students to participate in the planning and logistics of homecoming. I strongly believe that having a committee outside of council would allow for different perspectives on how homecoming can include more than just council’s vision.
An issue that is often brought up with Marlborough dances is whether or not it should be hosted at the school. I personally think that in order to make this the most authentic homecoming possible, it should be hosted in the Marlborough gym. As homecoming is circulated around a sport, and the week leading up is about school spirit, it would only be fitting to have it in the gym. My casino night dance as freshman at Marlborough was held in the CEI, and to my surprise was extremely well-put together and exceeded my expectations. Therefore, I have no doubt that the potential homecoming being held in the gym will work perfectly.
I am in full support of Marlborough homecoming, and I believe that this tradition will allow for much more of a sense of normalcy for the upper schoolers. With the COVID-19 school year(s), we have been deprived of practically any high school experience. With the added homecoming, I think it is a fantastic opportunity for Marlborough students to experience traditional high school events that many of us crave.