This year, the Class of 2017 chose the PowerPuff Girls as Marlborough’s 61st senior mascot. The mascot is a longstanding tradition that serves as a way to encompass all aspects of the senior class and leave a symbol of their legacy.
Alden ’17, Senior Class President, spoke to the school at the annual Mascot Presentation All School Meeting.
“Even though we’re very different from each other, we can all see parts of ourselves in the PowerPuff Girls,” he said.
Rosie ’17 thinks their mascot embodies not only the senior class, but the entire school. “The PowerPuff girls represent all sides of a Marlborough girl because they’re tough and sweet… They’re better together and they rely… on each other to save the day,” Rosie said.
Some of the other ideas included Mulan, Edna Mode from The Incredibles, and Curious George. The PowerPuff girls stood out from the other options because in addition to being a good representation of the entire class, it was a neutral option that everyone could agree on. Alden ‘17 said, “A lot of the characters were very divisive. People had strong opinions about them.”
The senior class chose their mascot quite unconventionally, putting aside a three-hour block of time during the first week of school to get it all done. A poll had been sent out the week before, allowing seniors to nominate characters they wanted. Council wrote the submitted ideas, as well as on-the-spot nominations, on the whiteboard in the Senior Lounge to begin the process. By the second round of voting, the class had agreed on the PowerPuff Girls. The rest of the decisions about t-shirt design and presentation were up to Council, and the entire grade got to go home early.
Similar to how the PowerPuff Girls’ qualities of leadership, charm, and tenacity make up the perfect crime fighting trio, Alden ’17 said, “We are better as a team than we are separately… We compliment each other very well in our differences.”