Chicago Senior Molly McGaan wrote a fake Harvard rejection letter as a submission for her high school’s humor publication, the “Citizen Poke.” The letter went viral during the first week of March on websites such as Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook. Her intention was to lighten the spirit surrounding this stressful time of year for American high school seniors. “I’ve had a lot of friends …. really stressed out about college admissions, and I just wanted to make people smile,” McGaan commented. The letter apologetically informed McGaan that she was denied acceptance to Harvard’s Class of 2019 despite her “proficiency in ‘dank memes,’ or level of ‘$wag moneyyyy’.” The letter then admonishes McGaan to not start her personal essay with “listen here u little slanks” and end it with “McGaan out *drops mic*.” But easily the funniest part of the rejection letter is when Harvard Admission Officers advise McGaan to obtain letters of recommendation from close mentors and teachers, not “my #4 side ho Derek” or “Chief Derek.” McGaan did apply to Harvard with a serious application; however, she recently received her real rejection that contained no signs of such frivolity and will be attending the University of Michigan this fall instead.