Humans of Marlborough School
Inspired by the online photo blog Humans of New York, Humans of Marlborough School (HOMS) will attempt to document the diversity, stories, and achievements of those in the community. There will be new photos every week.

If you were going to accomplish one thing, what would it be?
“I would like to have the pit bull breed gain back its good name, because it is not what people think it is. It’s a very good dog with a good heart. It’s just their owners are bad.The second thing is that I would like to abolish all dog fights in the world, because my dog was in the dog fights.”

What are you most afraid of?
“I’m absolutely terrified of leaving Marlborough and having
to start over, because it’s not one of my strongest suits and
these are the people that have made me who I am today.
I grew up a lot here. I’ve grown in confidence, but I don’t
know who I am. My biggest fear would be having to figure it
out on my own.”

If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
“If it’s a rainy day, always pack an extra pair of socks.”

What did you do with the giant chocolate turkey you won from Café M?
“Well it’s not done yet, but I’ve been eating it… and looking at it. I took a picture of when I got it. I was like, ‘Ah! Look at my Turkey!'”

What was the saddest day in your life?
“When my teammate died of a brain tumor. I was fourteen. I dedicate every game I play to her.”