I hate to break it to you, but you’re Instagramming wrong. I’m sorry, but if you post one more photo of your “#foodporn” and “#noms” sandwich, I’m going to unfollow you. But really, my biggest problem is that your Instagram is public. Instagram, the incredibly popular photo-sharing app that has been owned by Facebook since April of 2012, allows users to digitally “filter” their iPhone pics to make them look more professional. While still technically considered a social media tool for photo sharing amongst friends, Instagram has increasingly become a competition for who can get the most followers or likes (from total randos).
Remember when you were 11 years old and the idea of putting your real name (much less an actual photograph of yourself) on the Internet was like #terrifying because it meant that you were #goingtogetkidnapped because obviously everyone on the Internet was a #pedophilestalker? I think we should retain at least a smidge of that childhood phobia. I’m not ordering you to delete your Facebook and Instagram because the Internet is going to ruin your life; I’m just saying that you should consider putting your Instagram on private. As it is, every photo you post BELONGS to Instagram (seriously, they can use your photos without your permission and it isn’t #illegal or #stealing). Do you really want every bikini pic of you at the beach to be accessible to everyone on Instagram? There still are #pedophilestalkers out there, just saying.