All-School President Kyla ’14
First, I want to make sure that people are aware of everything that is going around on campus, because this year I felt like multiple times I’ve seen people look at their planners and say, ‘Oh, this is happening today,’ and I had no idea. [I want to] just find as many ways as possible to try to make people enjoy being at this School and be able to engage in everything that is going on.
I want to change Spirit Week a little bit, [including changing] the themes of the days [and adding] some of the activities from the Hunger Games [event in 2010]… like the thumb war. Grades [should] get points throughout the week, not just [for the] dance. Not everyone can dance, our grade being a prime example. [I also want to have] themed months, like April as eco-month, and dedicate all of April for hardcore eco-friendly [and make] everything in Café [M] recycled things.
[I want to] bring back Starry Night [an event where the entire student body can gather in the Gymnasium at night to watch a movie] as well, because it’s a good way for people to meet others in different grades.
Weather for the week will be going on the digital signage. Secondly, [I will make] a calendar of all the events happening off-campus, on-campus, arts, sports—anything that the students can go to—[and] send that calendar to all the Class Council Presidents. Since all the people don’t read everything they are sent, there would be a weekly [calendar] sent out.
I am genuinely really excited to be All-School President. I think it’s going to be fun. I hope to come up with more events on campus that people can go to. I hope that I can do a good job.
Assembly Coordinator Scottie ’14
I want to have give-aways. I want to be the Oprah of Marlborough, without the Ferraris or refrigerators. I also want to have rap battles. I hope that I can get some seventh graders freestyle rapping. It’d be so uncomfortable that everyone will cry. And anyone who does it I’ll be willing to give cookie cake.
Bribing people is always good. Food and candy: it always works. People don’t listen unless you have something to offer. I should also hire Bar Mitzvah dancers! I’m saying all these things as if I have the money to fund these things. I also want to incorporate videos and animations and stuff into the ASMs. Just to bring something new in.