In an effort to create a more eco-friendly community, Marlborough, led by Auxiliary Services Manager Clinton Oie, recently began offering employees financial incentives to go green. The School will reimburse employees for monthly bus passes on city or Tumbleweed buses to discourage driving. Additionally, employees who travel to School by walking, biking or carpooling one day a week will be rewarded with one free meal coupon per week at Café M and two meal coupons if they commit to this form of transportation for a whole week.
“I am always looking for ways to incentivize employees,” Oie said. “This seems to be really successful.”
According to Oie, before the program began, three to five employees used green transport. Now, as a direct result of this initiative, over 17 adults on campus participate in green transportation at least once a week, not including Head of School Barbara Wagner, who walks to School every day.