Kiki ’13 won our final contest of 2008-09 with this shot of a Cirque du Soleil acrobat performing in Las Vegas, and the UV staff is ready for submissions for the first issue of 2009-10. Send in your best, and we’ll put our top pick in the September issue.
Here are the basics:
- Prize is $25 cold hard cash (… or check).
- We’re looking for photojournalism – life happening as opposed to still portraiture of landscapes. (Still portraiture is beautiful, but we’re a newspaper, so we like the “life happening” thing.)
- We prefer photos from your portfolio that are as recent as possible.
- For the first issue, great shots from your summer travels, however local or wide, are great. But great shots that explore and capture the everyday life of Los Angeles can be just as compelling.
- The winning photo will run in black-and-white format in the printed paper, so give us photos that will retain their strength in that format. (We can run color versions on the UV Online.)
Emily '10 captured a climber on the U.S. national team to win the March '09 contest. - Submit photos via e-mail to the UV adviser. The adviser will then give them, without names attached, to staff to consider.
- Though only one photo will run as the winner the UltraViolet, we will display as many submissions as practical on our website!