Am I the only one who finds the lost and found to be the best place on the Marlborough campus? Honestly, think about it. You are in a place where no one can hear you. No one can judge you. It’s just you and bunch of lost stuff that students will probably never come down to collect.
To get to this secret room you need to either use the elevator (which I don’t think you are allowed to use) or go through the door next to Reception and walk down the funky smelling staircase to the garage. I like to call this deep, quiet room of many opportunities: the dungeon.
After getting used to the squalid room and the lighting, you take in the room itself. You will see racks of unclaimed sweaters, buckets of shoes, bathing suits, blankets, and other miscellaneous items that make you question: how and why would ANYBODY lose such an item or bring it to School at all?
There are so many things to do in the dimly lit room it’s really up to your imagination to come up with stuff. Here are some things I enjoy doing there:
1. Scream, because you’re frustrated about something/ someone/ EVERYTHING
2. Cry, because you’re super stressed and emotional about EVERYTHING
3. Sit and think, because it’s impossible to find a really quiet place to just sit and think about EVERYTHING
4. Bring friends down and have a random dance party or just talk…about EVERYTHING
5. Talk to the really nice moms who spend their time there and organize EVERYTHING
Like I said: a room full of opportunities. It’s kind of like the Room of Requirement. It only opens when needed and only to certain people who realize the magical qualities this room contains.
If you are one of the few students (cough, seventh graders) who do not have a ton of stress, this room may not pertain to you. But for those stressed out, nearly senile students who need a break: leave all your worries behind, and just sit and think in this dungeon.