Fox TV station announced the popular television show Glee will return on September 30, and Gleeks are ardently counting down the days. Glee’s characters are entering their senior year so co-creator Ryan Murphy devised an intensely competitive reality series, The Glee Project, to choose performers to be introduced as new characters on the show to replace the seniors when they graduate. The Glee Project, a 10-episode series, aired on Oxygen after the finale of the second season of Glee. It caught the interest of both Gleeks and non-Gleeks. Symone ‘14 said she now has a reason to watch Glee because she adores the winners. Thousands of contestants were narrowed down to four finalists, judged by Ryan Murphy and fellow Glee creator Michael Davis; rock-and-roll musician Samuel and young Irish actor Damian each won a seven-episode arc, while Alex the diva and Lindsay the phony each won two-episode parts.
“I think Damian will be a teacher’s pet because he strikes me as that kind of person. I don’t think he’s big enough to be a jock or look like a nerd,” Rachel ’14 said. Ryan Murphy is still in the process of creating the winners’ characters, but audiences are already trying to guess what they will be. The YouTube vlog “Wet Paint” suggests that new characters could include a love interest for Mercedes, a love-child of Mr. Schuester, or a boyfriend for Karofsky.
Regardless of how the producers choose to integrate the new performers into the show, Glee can count on at least 400 Marlborough girls tuning in to watch the season premiere and talking about how hot Darren Chris is or how jealous they are of Lea Michele’s enchanting voice.