Writers Kami Garcia and Margeret Stohl, of the mythological teen series The Caster Chronicles, and Kelly E. Carter, co-author with Venus Williams of Come to Win, a motivational book for girls highlighting sports and the business behind it, will discuss their books and answer questions in the ARC at lunch on Feb. 14 and Apr. 22.
Librarian and Assembly Coordinator Nichole Gomez said her goal is to coordinate events that appeal to the entire community. Because the rest of the year’s all-school meetings are fully booked, Gomez decided to start an ‘Authors in the ARC’ series as a creative way of inviting students to come see the speakers, knowing that many would be interested.
In February, Garcia and Stohl will speak to the Marlborough community about their New York Times bestsellers Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness.
Set in the fictional southern town of Gaitlin, the novels are coming of age stories about ‘casters,’ people born with magical powers.
“They were incredibly interesting,” Gomez said. “I thoroughly enjoyed reading [them].”
Carter will make a separate appearance in April to discuss Come to Win, a book written with Venus Williams explaining how a past in athletics leads to a successful future in the business world.
“With 60% of the girls on campus involved in some sort of sport, we’re hoping Carter will have a lot of appeal,” said Gomez, who was contacted directly by Carter herself.
All girls are encouraged to stop by and hear the speakers. For the occasion, lunches will be allowed in the library.
“I hope the girls we visit with in the library learn one thing from our unlikely story of becoming published authors” Stohl said. “Don’t be afraid to do the thing you most want to do.”