After navigating through a tough first semester of junior year, it felt like a relief to know that the support of my college counselor was coming. Students typically get assigned their college counselor in junior year, but starting this year students will begin meeting with their counselors in their sophomore year.
While other members of the Junior Class were initially concerned about the sophomore class getting college counselors at the same time as we did, from the beginning I have been in strong support of this new change.
Throughout my high school career, I have always wished I had more guidance on which classes to take, extracurricular activities to pick and which major to pursue in college.
Having a college counselor to help guide students while they manage the Upper School rigor in their sophomore year will make students more confident in their future academic plans.
I also think forming a relationship with a college counselor earlier will allow them to know their students more on a personal level, which will come in handy when they later write letters of recommendation. Although most people can form a personal relationship with their college counselor from the January of their junior year to the fall of their senior year, others take more time to form that bond. Thus, giving students more time to adjust and get to know their college counselor over the course of two and a half years is a great result of this new change.
Another beneficial aspect of getting assigned a college counselor earlier is having guidance as to how to spend your summers. Although summer vacation is considered a break from academics, figuring out how to spend your summer most productively can be stressful. Having the privilege of getting some guidance earlier will allow students to figure out which programs, jobs or camps are best for them during the summer.
As a sophomore, I would have loved to have more guidance regarding what I should do to be the best student I could be. Overall, Marlborough assigning sophomores college counselors is a great idea and will allow sophomores to feel more confident in the activities and classes they are already participating in.