Dear 14-year-old Darcy,
You’ve made it! It’s your second year at Marlborough. You’re still figuring out where to sit at lunch every day while trying to tackle your homework load every night. No matter what comes your way this year, you can and will not only survive but thrive. I know you loathe the concept of adhering to the advice of any adult or superior around you, but I promise you they have a point.
To that end, Marlborough’s faculty and (probably) your parents remind you to put your phone out of your room when you sleep, to keep your phone out of sight when doing homework or to stow it in your locker for all eight hours of the school day. I know it seems as though these reminders are patronizing and beyond irritating, but it is genuinely for your own benefit.
The positives of having that buzzing device kept away and out of sight for all eight hours of the school day are real. You know that anxious feeling in your stomach that doesn’t seem to go away through the duration of all of your classes? You check your phone in between breaks and during lunch and the anxiety fades but only slightly. The feeling returns whenever your phone isn’t attached to your hip, and those notifications aren’t visible at all times of the day.
The instant gratification from various social media apps can become addictive, the adolescent mind being vulnerable because of the hormonal changes restricting one from taking advice from superiors. By abstaining from the guidance to put your phone away, your subconscious could potentially deem your worth according to a one-line, dry response on Snapchat or by how many people comment on your most recent TikTok. These apps create so many unnecessary stressors in your life that make it almost impossible to thrive in an environment like Marlborough. Marlborough feeds you so many fantastic and one-of-a-kind opportunities that can help you showcase the best parts of who you truly are — take advantage of them.
The person on the inside deserves to grow and deserves just as much attention as you give to @darcbass on Instagram. By leaving that red iPhone 7 in your locker, you can give @darcbass a break as well as the real Darcy a full eight hours of development in the classroom.
Marlborough is a place where you can let all of those anxieties go by immersing yourself in the experience it has to offer. Take that elective, no one’s going to judge you. Figure out what you don’t understand in Algebra I, don’t just sit in the back with your hood on wondering what you did wrong to have so few people comment on your last Instagram post. Put “do not disturb” on your computer; iMessages from your classmates can wait until your free period. Focus on the making of you, not your plans for the weekend.
But, 14-year-old Darcy, I get it. I understand how exhausting life can be at the age of 14. There are so many little things you can do to make each day pleasant, not only for your current self but your future self. If you build a strong foundation of habits now, your future self will thank you for taking the time and energy to create a lifestyle that doesn’t revolve around technology and social media. 8th grade is by far one of the most wonderful years at Marlborough, and I know you will decide to make it count.
Your 18-year-old self