Already, the 2022-2023 school year has been one of transition and growth. Along with the changes to school policies and the reorganization of the senior administrative team, the Marlborough campus has recently undergone a series of physical rearrangements, including the revitalization of the Collins Room as an idea incubator. And while the UltraViolet welcomed new Journalism and Media Instructor Richard Vega into the newsroom, Marlborough School welcomed new Head of School Jennifer Ciccarelli into the community. In a broader sense, the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June, as well as the midterm elections in November, capture a similar moment of revision and reconstruction in the current political state of our nation.
In her interview with the UltraViolet (page #), Ciccarelli provided introspection into community-centered change. As we enter a new chapter in Marlborough’s history amid an ever-changing social and political landscape, her words serve as a guiding compass for the Marlborough community.
“I feel very strongly that you can’t make change until you understand the impact that change would have on the community,” Ciccarelli said. “You have to know the community first.”
In that same spirit, we too at the UltraViolet are reaffirming our dedication to protecting and uplifting voices within the Marlborough community. As a student publication, our mission is first and foremost to address issues of importance to the Marlborough community, while representing a range of opinions. Beginning with our next issue, the UltraViolet will introduce a new Letters to the Editors section in each print issue of our publication, where we welcome the voices and opinions of all members of the Marlborough community: students, teachers, administrators and staff. Community members can submit by emailing [email protected]. Through this initiative, we endeavor to hold steadfast to our mission of championing free speech, advocacy and togetherness, from which we believe true change is made.
We thank you for your readership and continued support and look forward to hearing from you in our next issue.