This year, Dean of Student Life and Spanish instructor Regina Rosi started an Instagram called Marlboroughlife. With the account, Rosi aims to document and share distinctively Marlborough moments. The account, featuring predominantly students and teachers, is followed by both enrolled and prospective parents and students.
Rosi created Marlboroughlife as a platform for parents to see pictures of their daughters on the Marlborough-sponsored Argentina trip last summer. Rosi soon concluded that a Marlborough Instagram was needed to document the smaller Marlborough moments, which Rosi says “are really meaningful and definitely worth sharing.”
To the horror of many of her students, Rosi often posts multiple photos a day and uses filters to drastically change the light of her photos.
“I got a lot of heat in Buenos Aires for using filters. I can’t help it! I like the antique-looking, yellow ones,” she said.
For those who don’t wish to be featured on Marlboroughlife, Rosi would like to make it clear there is no pressure whatsoever.
“If you see me with my phone taking a picture of you, and you are not comfortable with being on Marlboroughlife, come talk to me, and I will not post it,” Rosi said.
Students, parents and teachers across the board enjoy Marlboroughlife and agree Rosi is the teacher for the job.
“She’s hip, fun, and creative. I couldn’t think of anyone better than Ms. Rosi to document the goings on at such a special school,” said all-school assembly coordinator Natalie ’16.