Joni Mitchell once preached, “You don’t know what you got, til it’s gone” and this year Marlborough is experiencing a little “Big
Yellow Taxi” syndrome.
Instead of regularly scheduled A period club meetings, the calendar is now full of extra class meetings. This year, aside from club fair, there has been only one club period, and there will be no others.
Because most clubs meet during lunch, students used the club period to work on homework and study, although the period was never intended to be free time. Additional class meetings now give grade level deans additional flexibility for speakers or special meetings.
We understand that having a separate class dedicated to clubs is pointless, but we hope that grade level deans won’t use all the extra scheduled meetings so that we have more time to catch up on homework.
Assistant Head of School Laura Hotchkiss said she believes that grade level deans will be conscientious of how many of the class meetings will be used. But so far, most of the grade levels have not had any scheduled meeting time free. We please request that grade level deans keep to Hotchkiss’s word.