Besides being famous, celebrities are basically known for one other thing: tweeting. Whether their tweets are intentionally a joke or not, they are often ridiculously amusing. Here are ten of the all-time funniest celebrity tweets.
1. @kanyewest: “Yo britney, I’m really happy for you and I’ma let you be #1 but me and Jay-Z single is one of the best songs of all time! LOL.” Kanye was able to make light of the situation despite his infamous interruption of Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Music Awards. Some may find it shocking that Kanye could joke about such a serious matter, which broke Taylor’s heart, and served as the inspiration for her song “Innocent.”
2. @TheEllenShow: “Tis my first twitt-er. Or tweet? Twit? Or tweet? ‘Twit or tweet everybody.’ Is this anything?” A first tweet can say a lot about somebody. Anyone could have guessed that when Ellen DeGeneres inevitably joined Twitter, she would kickstart her Twitter career with hilarity.
3. @AmandaBynes: “I created the phrase Ily and lololol. *proud.” Don’t be surprised if her next move is to file a lawsuit against America for using these phrases without her permission.
4. @WillFerrell: “Sitting in green room with Justin Bieber…must resist urge to roundhouse kick him in his midget face.” Well, he might as well have just kicked him. Ferrell publicly let his 500,000 followers know just how he feels about the teen pop star.
5. @Cher: “Don’t know how to utube!” This is the problem with people past the age of thirty using Twitter.
6. @OliviaWilde: “In a thousand years archaeologists will dig up tanning beds and think we fried people as punishment.” Even though she is most likely part of the fake-tan phenomenon, Olivia Wilde has a point.
7. @kirstiealley : “I’m leaving on a jet train…” And she wasn’t even kidding.
8. @JessicaSimpson: “DALASS!!!! This is how we do it!! Soooooo proud! I have chillbumps.” The only thing funnier than a celebrity mis-quoting song lyrics is when they get first-grade vocabulary wrong.
9. @alyankovic: “72 Days is now an official unit of time known as a Kardash.” Although many celebrities tweeted some sort of reaction to Kim Kardashian’s infamous 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries, this was by far one of the best.
10. @AmandaBynes: “Drake Eyes for Days.” Perhaps the most famous Twitter scandal is Amanda Bynes’s bipolar reactions to Drake. Just days later, she followed up with “@drake not with his ugly smile and ugly uneven teeth and fugly face! He’s gay and ugly and I want a hot straight man!” I guess you should add “checking whether Amanda is obsessed with or hates Drake” to your daily to-do list.