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The Student News Site of Marlborough School

The UltraViolet

Marlborough School Student Newspaper
The Student News Site of Marlborough School

The UltraViolet

The Student News Site of Marlborough School

The UltraViolet

Journalism Awards


CSPA Crown Awards

Columbia Scholastic Press Association: “The Crown Awards are the highest recognition given by the CSPA to a student print or digital medium for overall excellence.”

• 2024 Silver Crown Award


NSPA Leadership Award in Student Journalism

National Scholastic Press Association: “To earn the NSPA Leadership Award in Student Journalism, a high school student must serve with distinction for at least two years on the staff of an NSPA-member broadcast, literary arts magazine, newspaper/newsmagazine, specialty magazine, website or yearbook by the end of the current school year.

Students are nominated by their advisers. A specific grade-point average is not required; however, students must be in good academic standing and demonstrate journalistic excellence and staff leadership while maintaining the high ethical standards outlined in the NSPA Model Code of Ethics.”


• Abby ’24, Co-Editor-in-Chief

• Abigail ’24, Co-Editor-in-Chief

• Dalton ’24, Co-Managing Editor and Head of Politics

• Ciara ’24, Co-Managing Editor


• Rebecca ’23, Co-Editor-in-Chief

• Stella ’23, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Best of SNO

SNO Sites: “Best of SNO showcases the best student journalism from members of the SNO Network. Why? We want to recognize excellent work; you’ve likely put a lot of time and effort (possibly some blood, sweat and tears — we don’t judge) into your various journalistic explorations, and you deserve to be congratulated! Plus, we hope to inspire other students with your awesomeness by giving them fresh ideas and showing them some new approaches to traditional news material.”


• Cara ’26: ‘By 7 p.m., I knew my home was gone’

• Channing ’25, Francesca ’25 and Addie ’26: A tribute to Altadena and the Palisades

Previous Awards

National Group Critiques

Quill and Scroll, News Media Evaluation

International first place, 2009, superior achievement in coverage, display and design, business practices, and policy guidelines
International first place, 2008, superior achievement in coverage, editing, and policy
International second place, 2007, superior achievement in business practices
International second place, 2006, superior achievement in coverage and business practice

Quill and Scroll was founded by George H. Gallup, inventor of the “Gallup poll.”  The international honorary society was organized on April 10, 1926, by a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication.

National Scholastic Press Association, Honor Critiques

First-class rating, 2009, with distinction in photography, art and graphics and in leadership
First-class rating, 2008, with distinction in coverage and content, writing and editing

NSPA is a nonprofit membership organization exclusively for high school and other secondary school publications – yearbooks, newspapers, magazines, broadcast programs, and online publications. Since 1921, it’s offered our members resources to help their publications improve, including national high school journalism conventions, prestigious contests and scholarships, a publication critique service, and much more.

Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Medalist Critiques

Gold Medalist, 2009, with All-Columbian honors for writing and editing and for business operations
Silver Medalist, 2008, with All-Columbian honors for coverage
Gold Medalist, 2007, with All-Columbian honors for coverage and business operations
Silver Medalist, 2006

Founded in 1925, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association unites student editors and faculty advisers working with them to produce student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, and online media. The Association is owned by Columbia University and is operated as a program affiliated with its Graduate School of Journalism.

National Individual Awards

The American Society of Newspaper Editors/Quill & Scroll International Writing and Photo Contest

Amanda ’09 – 2008 National Gold Key winner for editorial, “Instrumental music program needs expansion,” November 2008
Ali ’09 – 2008 National Gold Key winner for general column, for her “On Diversity” in May 2008
Lorraine ’08 – 2008 National Gold Key winner for editorial, “Under Pressure: Marlborough’s tutoring culture gets out of hand,” November 9, 2007
Lorraine ’08 – 2007 National Gold Key winner for news story, “Changes in the Understanding,” October 6, 2006
Stephanie ’06 – 2007 National Gold Key winner for editorial, “Face It: Apathy is Alive and Well at Marlborough,” March 23, 2006
Zoe ’06 – 2006 National Gold Key winner for editorial, “‘Casual Fridays’ for Students Will Increase Morale” October 7, 2005

Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Gold Circle Awards

Editorial staff ’08 – 2009 Certificate of Merit for editorial writing, “We love the cake, but …,” Feb 2008
Lorraine ’08 – 2009 Certificate of Merit for editorial writing, “Under Pressure,” Nov. 2007
Kat Lee ’09 – 2009 Second Place in editorial cartooning, “Child Labor,” Sept. 2008
Diana Ling ’08 – 2009 Certificate of Merit in editorial cartooning, “No Money, No Funny,” Dec. 2007
Caitlyn ’07 and Julia ’07 – 2007 Certificate of Merit for feature design, “Edge of Reality: Charlotte Wayne,” June 2, 2006
Emily ’07 – 2007 Certificate of Merit for column writing, “Discounting the Real College Admissions Game,” May 5, 2006
Thea ’07 – 2006 Certificate of Merit for interview, “Coffee with Carl,” October 29, 2004. (Thea’s piece as also for publication in the webzine Teen Ink.)

National Scholastic Press Association, Individual awards and Best of the Press

Diana ’08 – Best of the Press 14, editorial cartooning, “Marlboroughnians conversing during construction,” May 31, 2007

NSPA awards may be the most prestigious and competitive in high school journalism. They give a single first, second and third place nationwide in four categories – best story, photo, design, and cartooning – and then a very select handful of additional entries are included in NSPA’s annual “Best of the Press” publication, which is used for teaching purposes across the country.


Edward J. Nell Memorial Scholarhips in Journalism

Lorraine ’08, 2008

The Edward J. Nell Memorial Scholarship in Journalism is the only merit scholarship awarded to student journalists by the Quill & Scroll International Honorary Society. Awards range from $500 to $1,500. Selection is highly competitive based on student’s journalistic experience and accomplishments, published work, academic record, standarized test scores, and teacher recommendations. Applicants must be seniors, they must be Gold Key winners in the ASNE/Quill & Scroll International Writing and Photo Contest, and they must plan to major in journalism in college.

Honor Societies

National Scholastic Press Association National Honor Roll

Amanda ’09, 2008
Julia ’09, 2008
Sally ’09, 2008
Brianne ’10, 2008
Colleen ’10, 2008
Sheri ’08, 2007
Thea ’07, 2006

The NSPA Journalism Honor Roll honors student journalists who have achieved a 3.75 or higher grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) and have worked in student media for two or more years.

Quill & Scroll International Journalism Honorary Society

Julie ’10, 2009
Jenny  ’10, 2009
Justine ’10, 2009
Lorraine ’08, 2008

Student journalists are inducted into Quill and Scroll International Journalism Honorary Society if they are of junior or senior classification, are in the upper third of their class in general scholastic standing, and have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school publications work.


Medill-Northwestern Journalism Institute (previously known as the National High School Institute for Journalism)

Suhauna ’14, 2013
Ileana ’11, 2010
Casey ’10, 2009
Lorraine ’08, 2007
Allie ’06, 2005

Only 88 high school seniors are chosen globally to participate in this intensive five-week journalism summer program. Northwestern is known for its world-renowned Medill School of Journalism.

California Scholastic Press Association/Cal-Poly Summer Workshop

Julie ’10, 2009
Lorraine ’08, 2006

CSPA was created in 1950 and calls itself the most prestigious high school journalism workshop in the nation. Only 25 California high school juniors and seniors considering a career in communications are chosen to participate in the exhaustive two-week camp.

Newspaper by the Bay

Brianne ’10, 2008
Julie ’10, 2007
Lorraine ’08, 2006

The one-week newspaper camp, held each summer on the Stanford campus, provides student journalists with both the broad perspective and specific skills necessary to be leaders on their school papers.

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