Dinah '25
Kim Bathker
Science Instructor Kim Bathker has taught various science classes for the past 17 years. The Los Angeles native teaches AP Biology and Anatomy & Physiology, two of her favorite classes offered at Marlborough. In addition to enjoying science, Bathker is an avid escape room enthusiast.
“I’m very excited to be in a place that prioritizes girls’ education but also recognizes that gender is expansive and can be fluid,” Bathker said.
Samantha Bordy
Science Instructor Samantha Bordy teaches Exploring Science II and Honors Physics. Before arriving at Marlborough, Bordy taught precalculus and physics at Francis Parker in San Diego, California. In her free time, Bordy enjoys arts and crafts, particularly crocheting.
“I love the students,” Bordy said. “At Marlborough, students seem to really want to learn. [They] are curious and ask such insightful questions.”
Julie Ahring
Mathematics Instructor Julie Ahring teaches Honors Algebra 2 and Geometry. When she’s not teaching, Ahring competes in two pool leagues, and her opponents frequently claim that her geometry skills give her an advantage in the game. Ahring said she is excited to be a part of a community that is eager to grow and learn together.
“So far, I’ve been very impressed with the level of student involvement from the individual student councils to the club fair,” Ahring said. “I love the open spaces that let students collaborate and hang out. Students seem genuinely excited to be here, and I can feel the positive energy as a newcomer to the community.
Matthew Norko
Director of Technology Matthew Norko has held IT positions at schools in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia, but the West Coast newcomer joins the ARC Team as the Director of Technology. He manages all of Marlborough’s technology from computers to the WiFi.
“One of the most exciting things about working in technology is the fact that it is constantly evolving,” Norko said. “Not every technology will fit into life at school, but it’s exciting to try new things, be part of those conversations and see how technology can make things better for teaching and learning.”
Christabel Estrada
Associate Director of Major and Planned Gifts Christabel Estrada secures funds for Marlborough to support financial initiatives like endowment, programmatic needs, financial aid and capital projects. Before joining the Marlborough community, Estrada worked as a consultant for independent schools nationwide, helping them create and execute successful capital campaigns.
“I get the sense this is a community that strives to make sure its members feel supported,” Estrada said. “There’s a lot of thoughtfulness that goes behind what my colleagues do and I think it’s felt.”
Sun Migliacci
In addition to teaching upper school finance classes, Finance Instructor Sun Migliacci is the founder and CEO of a financial technology startup that helps businesses send money internationally. Previously, she was the Senior Vice President of Technology Strategy and Planning at City National Bank.
“At Marlborough, I am most excited about teaching personal finance because it has real everyday application,” Migliacci said. “I’ve spent many years personally and professionally developing a deep understanding of this subject. Learning about personal finance is important for everyone, and the earlier the exposure the better.”
Katherine Pollock
History and Social Sciences Instructor Katherine Pollock teaches 9 Honors History and Honors Modern World History. Pollock has lived around the world over the past decade, teaching history in London immediately before coming to Marlborough. In her first weeks on campus, Pollock said she has appreciated getting to know the Marlborough student body and has enjoyed the abundance of snacks.
“I can’t wait to learn more about the Marlborough traditions,” Pollock said. “Everyone is so enthusiastic and engaged with all-school events, which is really amazing to see. I’m also looking forward to having lots of conversations with students/faculty about all things history-related!
David Ramirez
Maintenance Technician David Ramirez is an evening facilities technician. In his previous job, Ramirez worked as a night supervisor at a school in Malibu. He has also worked in car and motorcycle maintenance.
“I am a person that gets along with everyone,” Ramirez said. “I like helping people.”
Victoria Kelley
Assistant Athletic Trainer Victoria Kelley formerly worked at Providence Hospital and was the Head Athletic Trainer at Taft Charter High School for almost two years. Kelley said she is looking forward to getting her passport this month and traveling to Japan and Ireland within the next two years.
“So far, I am blown away by the food and the overall atmosphere this school provides,” Kelley said. “I always feel included and love learning about the culture and fun events that occur throughout the year.”
Max May
Assistant Robotics Coach Max May instructs the First Tech Challenge Robotics teams. Before working at Marlborough, May was a scenery fabricator for theme parks, short films, and live events. Now, May is pursuing his second degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California.
“I can’t wait to share some of my practical experiences designing and building to meet complex problems with students while learning how better to bring their interests into our engineering process,” May said.